60+ Hilarious Babies Who Ruined Their Pinterest-Perfect Photoshoots

Published on 11/05/2018

All parents who sign up their babies for a photo shoot want to capture their little ones’ best moments, but what many parents fail to realize is that professional photographers, more often than not, spend a significant amount of time trying to capture the right frame. If you are one of those people who try to do things on their own and you have decided to take photos of your little angel yourself, keep in mind not to expect getting the same results a professional would deliver. If you want to have an idea of what you might get if you recreate popular baby photos, we have compiled some pretty neat visuals to help you.

Being Wrapped Like This Wouldn’t Make Us Happy Either

The perfect moment captured in the photo on the left definitely took a long time, so don’t fret if it takes you forever to recreate. Also, consider your baby’s temperament when you decide to wrap the little one in a blanket because there’s a thin line between an angel and the hulk, as can be seen in the pictures below. On the plus side, the snapshot on the right is going to be quite useful in the future when this tiny tot grows up and goes on dates, but for now, it remains a funny fail.

Being Wrapped Like This Wouldn’t Make Us Happy Either

Being Wrapped Like This Wouldn’t Make Us Happy Either


Get Me Outta Here!

Professional photographers make a living posing babies, so they have a pretty good understanding of what works perfectly and what doesn’t. The little one on the left most likely fell asleep not long after being placed in the netting. The one on the right, on the other hand… Well let’s just say that we sense a bit of desperation with the way the baby is trying to get out of the netting.

Get Me Outta Here!

Get Me Outta Here!