These Food Items Belong In Your Diet If You Want A Healthier Heart

Published on 11/12/2018


Everyone knows that garlic naturally repels vampires. Additionally, it is a superfood that helps maintain your heart as well. Garlic is usually one of the most basic ingredients for many cooking recipes. It brings a lot of health benefits like lowering the level of plaque in the arteries and greatly reducing blood pressure. This superfood also lessens the enzymes that may cause the blood vessels of your body to constrict. In its pill form, the effect of garlic further increases. Studies have shown that it can reduce the build-up of plaque in the arteries by as much as fifty percent. Garlic is also a natural antiseptic, thus, it helps prevent the growth and proliferation of germs and bacteria.




Red Wine

While this may not be a vegetable, people still consider red wine one of the superfoods that provide a lot of health benefits. Drinking wine is truly one of the best ways to relax and end the day. You can easily pair it with your favorite dish or a few slices of cheese, some crackers, and grapes. You can unwind while sipping your favorite wine and keep the doctor away at the same time. Some experts have stated that drinking a glass of red wine a day in moderation can boost your HDL levels. In turn, it prevents the cholesterol build-up in your body. Red wine is also abundant in anti-oxidants that greatly prevent the development of coronary heart diseases. It also lowers the risk of having blood clots by making sure that the blood vessels in your body stay flexible.

Red Wine

Red Wine