These Are The Rarest Dog Breeds You Might Have Never Heard Of

Published on 03/01/2020

Chinese Crested

While this pup might look somewhat strange with its hairless, spotted little body and shaggy fur, the Chinese Crested is impossible to mistake for any other dog breed. This breed has two varieties; the regular Chinese Crested, and the lightly furred “powderpuff” cousin. Both of them have the same adorable and affectionate demeanor. They’re easy to care for as well due to their small size and since they don’t shed.

Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested



You’ll never forget the first time you’ll come across one of these huge, powerful, dogs. This breed grows to be over 100 pounds and stands nearly 30 inches high. Not to mention, it’s surprisingly agile. Their white dreadlocked fur serves them well in the cold weather that they’re normally bred in. They’re known for both blending in with sheep and chasing off wolves. Today, they make great family pets – just be aware of their large size! Fun fact: multiple Komondor dogs are called Komondorok.

